September 6
1950 epoch Leap +1 years
1950 epoch Leap +2 years
2000 epoch Leap years
2000 epoch Leap +1 years
You have a choice of 3 stars on this date. The brightest one, if that is your preference, is 60 LEO.
Name: 58 LEO
Magnitude: 4.8
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in light-years: 340
Diameter compared to Sun: more than 15x
Luminosity compared to Sun: more than 60x
Date best observed: Apr 21
Additional information: A double star. Its absolute magnitude is the same as our sun.
Name: 60 or *b LEO aka HIP 53954, HR 4300
Magnitude: 4.4
Spectrum/Star type: White, with strong metallic lines.
Distance in light-years: 125
Diameter compared to Sun:
Luminosity compared to Sun:
Date best observed: Apr 21
Additional information: 60 LEO is outside of the Zodiac.
Name: 61 or p2 LEO aka HIP 53907 HD 95578
Magnitude: 4.7
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in light-years: 510
Diameter compared to Sun: ~25x
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~220x
Date best observed: Apr 21
Additional information: Dimmer p 1 is a few degrees to the right.