September 19 Stars: 2000 Epoch Leap +1 Years

September 19
2000 epoch: Leap +1 years

You have a choice of 3 stars on this date. The brightest one, if that is your preference, is 94 Beta LEO.

Name: 3 VIR, aka Nu VIR
Magnitude: 4.0
Spectrum/Star type: Red Giant
Distance in light-years: 315
Diameter compared to Sun: ~40x
Luminosity compared to Sun: over 300x
Date best observed: May 3
Additional information: About 2 degrees above Nu is Xi VIR, 4.8 magnitude, 120 light-years, White, ~2x brighter and~15X more luminous than the sun.

Name: 93 LEO
Magnitude: 4.5
Spectrum/Star type: white
Distance in light-years: 225
Diameter compared to Sun: 4
Luminosity compared to Sun: 25
Date best observed: May 4
Additional information: Located just outside of the zodiac, 93 Leo is a spectroscopic binary. With brighter Beta, Delta, and Theta,93 LEO made a rectangular “Bed” in the Hindu Lunar Zodiac.

Name: 94 LEO, aka Beta LEO, Denebola
Magnitude: 2.1 just slightly variable
Spectrum/Star type: White
Distance in light-years: 36
Diameter compared to Sun: 2
Luminosity compared to Sun: 14
Date best observed: May 4
Additional information: Denebola is outside of the zodiac. The name translates as “The Lion’s Tail”. Nicknamed “Changer of the Seasons”. When we see Denebola in the east, it is getting warmer, and in the west, getting cooler. With bright Arcturus and Spica, and dimmer Cor Caroli (below The Handle of The Big Dipper), Denebola forms Spring’s “Diamond of Virgo”. It is surrounded by a dust cloud where planets may be forming.

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