October 13 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 60Sigma VIR | |||
61 VIR | ||||
2000 |
Use either star for any year on this date. Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.
Name: 60Sigma VIR
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 13 NZ
Magnitude: 4.8
Spectrum/Star type: Red Giant
Distance in Light Years: 540
Diameter compared to Sun: 80
Luminosity compared to Sun: over 1000
Date best observed: May 26
Additional information: 60 Sigma is outside of the zodiac.
Name: 61 VIR
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 14
Magnitude: 4.7
Spectrum/Star type: Yellow
Distance in Light Years: 28
Diameter compared to Sun: <1x
Luminosity compared to Sun: <1x
Date best observed: May 26
Additional information: Has 3 Planets! One of the few Naked-eye stars that is smaller and less bright than Our Star. It is the second closest star in the zodiac.