December 12

December 12 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 53Nu SER 53Nu SER 53Nu SER
40 Xi OPH 40 Xi OPH 40 Xi OPH
42Theta OPH 42Theta OPH
2000 36A OPH
53Nu SER 53Nu SER
40 Xi OPH
42Theta OPH

Use any of the 1950 stars for Leap+3 years in the 1950 era. Use any of the 2000 stars for Leap+2 years in the 2000 era. In some cases you have a choice of stars for this date. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.

Name: 36A OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 11
Magnitude: 4.3
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant & Orange Dwarf in a binary system. perhaps 5 stars.
Distance in Light Years: 20
Diameter compared to Sun: Both are smaller than The Sun.
Luminosity compared to Sun: Less bright
Date best observed: Jul 25
Additional information: This is perhaps the closest zodiac star. 36A is on the edge of The Pipe Dark Nebula. Look for it in pristine dark skies. There are perhaps 5 stars here.

Name: 53Nu SER
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12
Magnitude: 4.3
Spectrum/Star type: White, a binary system.
Distance in Light Years: ~200
Diameter compared to Sun: 3
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~60
Date best observed: Jul 26
Additional information: In the Serpent’s Tail, outside of the zodiac. Serpens is the only constellation divided into two parts-Head and Tail. It is separated by Ophiuchus.

Name: 40 Xi OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12, Zodiac
Magnitude: 4.4
Spectrum/Star type: Light yellow
Distance in Light Years: 57
Diameter compared to Sun: 1+
Luminosity compared to Sun: 4
Date best observed: Jul 26
Additional information: Persians, Egyptians, & Ethiopians of NE Africa called Xi, Theta, & Eta “The Magician”. Nearby, to the east is the site of the last Milky Way Supernova called “Kepler’s Star”, seen in 1604. Xi is a binary system.

Name: 42Theta OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12
Magnitude: 3.3Var
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 560
Diameter compared to Sun: 7
Luminosity compared to Sun: 11,500 in ultraviolet light
Date best observed: Jul 27
Additional information: Nearby, the “S” dark nebula to the north,& the “Pipe” dark nebula a few degress south. Persians, Egyptians, & Ethiopians called it with Eta and Xi, “the Magician”. There are 2 other stars here.

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