December 12 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 53Nu SER | 53Nu SER | 53Nu SER | |
40 Xi OPH | 40 Xi OPH | 40 Xi OPH | ||
42Theta OPH | 42Theta OPH | |||
2000 | 36A OPH | |||
53Nu SER | 53Nu SER | |||
40 Xi OPH | ||||
42Theta OPH |
Use any of the 1950 stars for Leap+3 years in the 1950 era. Use any of the 2000 stars for Leap+2 years in the 2000 era. In some cases you have a choice of stars for this date. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.
Name: 36A OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 11
Magnitude: 4.3
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant & Orange Dwarf in a binary system. perhaps 5 stars.
Distance in Light Years: 20
Diameter compared to Sun: Both are smaller than The Sun.
Luminosity compared to Sun: Less bright
Date best observed: Jul 25
Additional information: This is perhaps the closest zodiac star. 36A is on the edge of The Pipe Dark Nebula. Look for it in pristine dark skies. There are perhaps 5 stars here.
Name: 53Nu SER
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12
Magnitude: 4.3
Spectrum/Star type: White, a binary system.
Distance in Light Years: ~200
Diameter compared to Sun: 3
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~60
Date best observed: Jul 26
Additional information: In the Serpent’s Tail, outside of the zodiac. Serpens is the only constellation divided into two parts-Head and Tail. It is separated by Ophiuchus.
Name: 40 Xi OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12, Zodiac
Magnitude: 4.4
Spectrum/Star type: Light yellow
Distance in Light Years: 57
Diameter compared to Sun: 1+
Luminosity compared to Sun: 4
Date best observed: Jul 26
Additional information: Persians, Egyptians, & Ethiopians of NE Africa called Xi, Theta, & Eta “The Magician”. Nearby, to the east is the site of the last Milky Way Supernova called “Kepler’s Star”, seen in 1604. Xi is a binary system.
Name: 42Theta OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 12
Magnitude: 3.3Var
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 560
Diameter compared to Sun: 7
Luminosity compared to Sun: 11,500 in ultraviolet light
Date best observed: Jul 27
Additional information: Nearby, the “S” dark nebula to the north,& the “Pipe” dark nebula a few degress south. Persians, Egyptians, & Ethiopians called it with Eta and Xi, “the Magician”. There are 2 other stars here.