August 29 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 47Rho LEO | 47Rho LEO | 47Rho LEO | 47Rho LEO |
2000 | 47Rho LEO | 47Rho LEO |
Use 47 Rho for Leap +2 and +3 for this date.
Name: 47Rho LEO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Aug 29
Magnitude: 3.8, slightly var
Spectrum/Star type: Blue Supergiant, Supernova some day!
Distance in Light Years: 3700+, very far away!
Diameter compared to Sun: 23+
Luminosity compared to Sun: 165,000+!
Date best observed: Apr 14
Additional information: A spectroscopic binary. Its Babylonian name translates as “4th Son Behind the King”. An amazing star located on the Ecliptic. Very everything-young, hot, blue, big, bright, massive, and far!!!