August 26 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 40 LEO | 40 LEO | ||
41Gamma LEO | 41Gamma LEO | |||
2000 | 40 LEO | 40 LEO | 40 LEO | |
41Gamma LEO | 41Gamma LEO | 41Gamma LEO |
Use 40 or 41 Gamma for any of the years for this date. In a few cases you have a choice and you can consult the descriptions to see which one you like better. Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.
Name: 40 LEO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Aug 25
Magnitude: 4.8
Spectrum/Star type: Light yellow
Distance in Light Years: 70
Diameter compared to Sun: 4x
Luminosity compared to Sun: 25x
Date best observed: Apr 11
Additional information: Just below the brighter Gamma.
Name: 41Gamma LEO (Algieba)
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Aug 25
Magnitude: 2.0, Binary
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant & Light yellow Giant, with a giant planet orbiting A!
Distance in Light Years: 126
Diameter compared to Sun: A-23, B-10
Luminosity compared to Sun: A-180, B-50
Date best observed: Apr 11
Additional information: “The Mane”, one of finest doubles (in a medium telescope), 620 year orbit. Great color contrast -yellow and orange. Nearby, the radiant for the November Leonid Meteor
Shower which is spectacular every 33 years. 40 LEO seen just below.