October 8

October 8 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 40Psi VIR
43Delta VIR 43Delta VIR 43Delta VIR
2000 40Psi VIR 40Psi VIR
43Delta VIR 43Delta VIR 43Delta VIR 43Delta VIR

43 Delta can be used for Leap year in the 1050 era. In a few cases you have a choice. Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.

Name: 40Psi VIR
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 7
Magnitude: 4.7-4.8
Spectrum/Star type: Red Giant
Distance in Light Years: 415
Diameter compared to Sun: more than 80
Luminosity compared to Sun: 1000
Date best observed: May 20
Additional information: 40 Psi is an irregular variable star.

Name: 43Delta VIR Lu Lim
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 8
Magnitude: 3.4
Spectrum/Star type: Red Giant
Distance in Light Years: 200
Diameter compared to Sun: 60
Luminosity compared to Sun: 630, mostly as infrared radiation
Date best observed: May 20
Additional information: Ancient Iraq:”Gazelle”. Arabic, “Auva”, meaning “Barking”, as
in Dog. The Followers of Islam could not portray the human figure(Virgo), so used an older local name of the barking dogs. 43 Delta possibly has a binary companion, but the orbit is not yet confirmed. It is a semi-regular variable star.

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