October 18

October 18 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 74 VIR 74 VIR
79Zeta VIR 79Zeta VIR 79Zeta VIR
2000 74 VIR 74 VIR 74 VIR
79Zeta VIR 79Zeta VIR

In a few cases you have a choice. Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.

Name: 74 VIR
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 17
Magnitude: 4.7
Spectrum/Star type: Red Giant
Distance in Light Years: 430
Diameter compared to Sun: more than 80
Luminosity compared to Sun: over 1000
Date best observed: May 30

Name: 79 Zeta VIR Heze
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Oct 18
Magnitude: 3.4
Spectrum/Star type: White
Distance in Light Years: 73
Diameter compared to Sun: 2
Luminosity compared to Sun: 18
Date best observed: May 30
Additional information: The name may come from an Arabic reference to nearby Spica. It is about 1 degree south of The Celestial Equator. This star rotates in a half a day compared to the Sun at 25 days!

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