November 14

November 14 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 27Beta LIB
2f LUP 2f LUP
2000 27Beta LIB 27Beta LIB 27Beta LIB
2f LUP 2f LUP 2f LUP

Use either star for any year on this day. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.

Name: 27Beta LIB Zubeneschemali
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 13
Magnitude: 2.6
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 160
Diameter compared to Sun: ~4x
Luminosity compared to Sun: more than 130x
Date best observed: Jun 25
Additional information: The “Northern Claw” of the old Scorpio, now the northern scale of Libra. It rotates 100x faster than the sun. Observers of the past have called this a green-colored star!

Name: 2f LUP
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 13
Magnitude: 4.3
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in Light Years: 310
Diameter compared to Sun: ~20x
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~100x
Date best observed: Jun 25
Additional information: This star is just outside of the zodiac in Lupus The Wolf.

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