December 3

December 3 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 13Zeta OPH
2000 23Tau SCO
13Zeta OPH 13Zeta OPH 13Zeta OPH

Use 13 Zeta for any year in the 1950 era, and for Leap year in the 2000 era. In some cases you have a choice of stars for this date. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.

Name: 23Tau SCO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 2
Magnitude: 2.8
Spectrum/Star type: Blue, one of the bluest in the zodiac.
Distance in Light Years: 430
Diameter compared to Sun: 5+
Luminosity compared to Sun: 18,000 in UV
Date best observed: Jul 15
Additional information: Together with Sigma Sco they are known as Al Niyat, “Outworks of the Heart”, protecting the Heart of the Scorpion, Antares. The Boorang people of SE Australia say that Sigma & Tau are the Wives of Antares. Tau is an unusual slow rotating blue star that has a complex magnetic field and fast stellar wind. It is just a few million years old.

Name: 13Zeta OPH Han
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 2
Magnitude: 2.6
Spectrum/Star type: Rare “O” spectrum, extreme blue, very hot.
Distance in Light Years: 460
Diameter compared to Sun: 8
Luminosity compared to Sun: 68,000 in UV
Date best observed: Jul 15
Additional information: An ancient Chinese feudal state. This star is outside of the zodiac. It is a runaway star expelled when its companion exploded! It does not look blue because it is reddened by dust which also dims it more than a full magnitude. 13 Zeta rotates rapidly, has a strong magnetic field and emits X-Rays! It is a massive star, and short-lived. It will supernova within 4 million years.

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