December 23

December 23 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 W SGR
10Gamma SGR 10Gamma SGR
HR 6766 SGR HR 6766 SGR HR 6766 SGR HR 6766 SGR
2000 M8 SGR M8 SGR
10Gamma SGR 10Gamma SGR 10Gamma SGR
HR 6766 SGR HR 6766 SGR HR 6766 SGR

In some cases you have a choice of stars for this date. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.

Name: Messier 8, SGR Lagoon Nebula
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 22
Magnitude: About 3.5, there is much disagreement, but visually it is bright.
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 5200
Date best observed: Aug 6
Additional information: Number 7 in Messier’s Catalog of objects he would not confuse with a comet.This is a very young object – only 2 million yrs old! It is both a bright nebula & star cluster 60 light-years in diameter. The location of the December Solstice is just above it. The “Lagoon”
description was first used by Agnes Clerke in 1890.

Name: W SGR sometimes called Gamma 1
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 22
MAG 4.6var, 4.3 to 5.0,
Spectrum/Star type: Light yellow to yellow supergiant
Distance in Light Years: greater than 2000
Diameter compared to Sun: about 50
Luminosity compared to Sun: about 2500
Date best observed: Aug 6
Additional information: W is a Cepheid variable with a 7.5day period. It is one of the most distant stars of the zodiac.

Name: 10Gamma SGR, Al Nasl, occasionally called Gamma 2
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 22
Magnitude: 3.0
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in Light Years: 96
Diameter compared to Sun: ~15
Luminosity compared to Sun: 60+
Date best observed: Aug 6
Additional information: “The Point” of the Arrow, located in the heart of The Large Sagittarius Star Cloud.

Name: HR 6766 SGR aka HIP 89678 formerly BS 6766
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 23
Magnitude: 4.6, variable
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in Light Years: 350
Diameter compared to Sun: ~15x
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~60x
Date best observed: Aug 7
Additional information: This star has a peculiar spectrum showing cyanide(CN).

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