September 10

September 10 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 68Delta LEO 68Delta LEO
70Theta LEO 70Theta LEO
74Phi LEO 74Phi LEO 74Phi LEO
2000 68Delta LEO 68Delta LEO 68Delta LEO
70Theta LEO 70Theta LEO 70Theta LEO
74Phi LEO 74Phi LEO

Every year has a star on this date. In a few cases you have a choice. Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.

Name: 68Delta LEO Zosma
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: September 9
Magnitude: 2.6
Spectrum/Star type: White
Distance in Light Years: 58
Diameter compared to Sun: 2
Luminosity compared to Sun: 25
Date best observed: Apr 24
Additional information: Greek:”Girdle”. A double star, outside of the Zodiac. It rotates 90x times faster than the sun. It has expended more than half of its life. Delta makes a fine right triangle with Beta and Theta in the Lion’s hindquarters and tail.
About 3 degrees north of Delta is the overlooked red giant, 72 LEO. More than 6000 light years away, it must be ~100x bigger and tens of 1000s of times more luminous than Delta and Our Sun! 4.6 mag. It is far from the Zodiac and would be a September 10 star.

Name: 70Theta LEO Chort
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: September 10
Magnitude: 3.3
Spectrum/Star type: White
Distance in Light Years: 180
Diameter compared to Sun: 4
Luminosity compared to Sun: 120
Date best observed: Apr 25
Additional information: “Ribs”, sometimes called Coxa (“Hips”) and Chertan (“2 Small Ribs”), Theta is only half a billion years old.

Name: 74Phi LEO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: September 10
Magnitude: 4.5
Spectrum/Star type: White
Distance in Light Years: 195
Diameter compared to Sun:
Luminosity compared to Sun:
Date best observed: Apr 25
Additional information: A double star, one star appears to be a rapid rotator.

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