November 5 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 107Mu VIR | 107Mu VIR | 107Mu VIR | 107Mu VIR |
2000 | 107Mu VIR | 107Mu VIR | 107Mu VIR |
Use 107 Mu for Leap+3 years in the 2000 era.
Name: 107Mu VIR
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 5
Magnitude: 3.9
Spectrum/Star type: Light Yellow Giant
Distance in Light Years: 61
Diameter compared to Sun: 2
Luminosity compared to Sun: 15
Date best observed: Jun 16
Additional information: Sometimes called Rijl al Awwa, “Leg of the Barker”.