November 30

November 30 Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 4Psi OPH
5Rho OPH 5Rho OPH
7Chi OPH 7Chi OPH 7Chi OPH 7Chi OPH
21Alpha SCO 21Alpha SCO
22i SCO
2000 4Psi OPH 4Psi OPH
5Rho OPH 5Rho OPH 5Rho OPH 5Rho OPH
7Chi OPH 7Chi OPH 7Chi OPH
21Alpha SCO

In many cases you have a choice of stars for this date. Remember that a brighter star has a smaller magnitude number, if that is your choice.

Name: 4Psi OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 29
Magnitude: 4.5
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in Light Years: 180
Diameter compared to Sun: ~15x
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~60x
Date best observed: Jul 12
Additional information: 4 Psi is in the leg of Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer.

Name: 5Rho OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 30
Magnitude: 4.6
Spectrum/Star type: Blue, Binary
Distance in Light Years: 395
Luminosity compared to Sun: 4900 & 2100
Date best observed: Jul 12
Additional information: There are 4 or 5 stars in a beautiful faint nebula here. It is in the leg of Ophiuchus, above Antares.

Name: 7Chi OPH
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 30
Magnitude: 4.2-5.0 variable
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 490
Diameter compared to Sun: ~6x
Luminosity compared to Sun: Thousands
Date best observed: Jul 12
Additional information: Chi is a shell star with rapid rotation and losing mass from its equator. This causes variation in brighness. It is in the leg of Ophiuchus.

Name: 21Alpha SCO Antares
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 30
Magnitude: 0.9 to 1.8, an irregular variable
Spectrum/Star type: Red supergiant
Distance in Light Years: 600
Diameter compared to Sun: 800+, shaped like a flattened oval
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~10,000 (60,000 in Infra-red light!)
Date best observed: Jul 13
Additional information: Greek, “Rival of Mars”, from it’s similar appearance to the red planet. Red supergiants are close to being a supernova. It has a small blue companion. Antares is one of 4 Royal Stars of Persia representing the Seasons. This is the 15th brightest star. It is located in a dusty Red Nebula. The companion actually looks green next to it. Antares is also a navigational star.

Name: 22i SCO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Dec 1
Magnitude: 4.8
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 395
Diameter compared to Sun: ~6x
Luminosity compared to Sun: over 1000x
Date best observed: Jul 13

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