November 27 | Leap | Leap+1 | Leap+2 | Leap+3 |
1950 | 14Nu SCO | 14Nu SCO | ||
13c2 SCO | 13c2 SCO | |||
2000 | 14Nu SCO | 14Nu SCO | 14Nu SCO | |
13c2 SCO | 13c2 SCO | 13c2 SCO |
Use either star for all years on this day.
Name: 14Nu SCO Jabbah
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 26
Magnitude: 3.9
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 435
Date best observed: Jul 9
Additional information: The name is “Crown of Forehead”. 5 or 6 stars in 2 close groups with a reflection nebula are found here. It was called “the most beautiful quadrangle group in the heavens” by writer Agnes Clerke.
Name: 13c2 SCO
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Nov 26
Magnitude: 4.6
Spectrum/Star type: Blue
Distance in Light Years: 470
Diameter compared to Sun: ~6x
Luminosity compared to Sun: > 1000
Date best observed: Jul 9
Additional information: Just to the south is 12 SCO.