July 31

Leap Leap+1 Leap+2 Leap+3
1950 43Gamma CNC 43Gamma CNC 43Gamma CNC
47Delta CNC 47Delta CNC 47Delta CNC
48 Iota-one CNC
11Epsilon HYA
2000 43Gamma CNC 43Gamma CNC 43Gamma CNC
47Delta CNC 47Delta CNC

In a few cases you have a choice and you can consult the descriptions to see which one you like better.

Remember that a smaller magnitude number is a brighter star, if that is your preference.

For L+3 in 2000 era, 43 Gamma is probably the closest and the best choice.

Name: 43Gamma CNC Asellus Borealis
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: July 31
Magnitude: 4.7
Spectrum/Star type: White, perhaps 4 stars!
Distance in Light Years: 160
Diameter compared to Sun: 2
Luminosity compared to Sun: 25
Date best observed: Mar 18
Additional information: Latin:”the Northern Donkey” near “The Manger”.

Name: 47Delta CNC (Asellus Australis)
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: July 31
Magnitude: 3.9
Spectrum/Star type: Orange Giant
Distance in Light Years: 135
Diameter compared to Sun: 15
Luminosity compared to Sun: ~60
Date best observed: Mar 18
Additional information: Latin:”The Southern Donkey” near “the Manger”. On the Ecliptic.

Name: 48 Iota CNC
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Aug 1, outside of the zodiac
Magnitude: 3.9
Spectrum/Star type: A binary system, Yellow & Blue
Distance in Light Years: 300
Diameter compared to Sun:
Luminosity compared to Sun: A-215, B-16
Date best observed: Mar 18
Additional information: A wide binary system with 65,000 yr orbit! Just north of the real Zodiac. A great contrast in color!

Name: 11Epsilon HYA
Birthday from Jack’s initial research: Aug 1
Magnitude: 3.4
Spectrum/Star type: Dark Yellow Giant with possibly 5 companions! Binary with 15 year orbit.
Distance in Light Years: 135
Diameter compared to Sun: ~7
Luminosity compared to Sun: 55
Date best observed: Mar 18
Additional information: In Hydra’s Head, just outside of the zodiac. Epsilon is the most northerly star in Hydra. The Head of this Sea-Serpent was seen as “A Circular Garland” in the Chinese Lunar Zodiac, while the Hindus saw a wheel.

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